Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann

Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). She has a Doctorate in Political Science/International Relations from the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany; a Master in International Relations, and Bachelor in Economics from PUC-Rio. She was a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics (2008-2010), University of Erfurt (2010-2012) and Free University of Berlin (2012-2015). She is Currently Coordinator of the MA and PhD Academic Programs of PUC-Rio, and Principal Investigator of the Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” ( Her research focuses on Comparative Regionalism, Latin American Regionalism, Inter-regionalism with a focus on EU-Mercosur, and Legitimacy and Democracy at the Global Level. She has published and done consultancies on these topics; among her latest publications are ‘Democratic Theory Questions Informal Global Governance’ with Monica Herz, International Studies Review, 2019; ‘Negotiating normative premises in democracy promotion: Venezuela and the Inter-American Democratic Charter’, Democratization, 2019, and Mercosur at 30: political ideologies and (de) legitimation strategies. International Affairs, 99(3), 2023.



MUDRAL – Multilateralismo e a Direita Radical na América Latina O MUDRAL (Multilateralismo e a Direita Radical na América Latina) é um projeto de estudo e debate público sobre a...


Authoritarian Political Practices in Latin America and the Future of...

As authoritarian-conservative leaders, groups and movements have progressively moved from the margins of political life to positions of power in several countries, it becomes crucial to fully understand their positions...

A disputa da memória das ditaduras militares e o impacto...

No dia 13 de Setembro, às 14h, a rede de pesquisa Multilateralismo e Direita Radical na América Latina (MUDRAL), promoverá o seminário online "A disputa da memória das ditaduras militares...


[Fórum21] América Latina: As estratégias da extrema direita para avançar e enfraquecer a democracia por dentro
[Página 12] Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann: “La extrema derecha es un problema global”
[El Destape] América Latina: las estrategias de la extrema derecha para avanzar y debilitar la democracia desde adentro